Looking for swimming lessons in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Forth Valley?
SwimEasy swimming lessons for kids are the best value for money that you will find anywhere in Scotland. Yes, we are not the cheapest swimming lessons provider (for good reason) but we are not “silly money” either. We offer a wide range of swimming services and offer the highest standard of teaching and learning. SwimEasy swimming lessons guarantee a maximum of 4 children in a class and classes will often have a swim teacher and a swim assistant. We know that this is the best way to maximise learning while still enjoying the important social aspect of a class environment and without paying for 1:1’s all year round. It is fair to say we follow what Colllins et al (2018) call a Biopsychosocial model of learning.
Our staff enjoy lots of collaborative exercise and participate in daily and weekly communities of practice (COP) sessions. These ensure continued professional sharing and help grow the teaching knowledge base. Our experienced swimming staff also attend numerous in person and online training days throughout the year and we encourage parents to join and watch if their children are participating.
For more booking info contact info@swimeasy.co.uk and our small booking team will look after you.
Team SwimEasy